Monday, December 19, 2011

Keeping Christmas Cheer

I recently called my best friends and asked if they were praying that God would give me patience.  It's been that kind of week. Dan was sick last Sunday so I had to bring a Word from God, which He had already placed in my heart. Not a problem. On the way to church, a phone call tells me that our worship leader is home throwing up with a migrain. Ok, I can handle this...we'll just spend the time sharing or praying for each other. Arrive at church to find the person who takes the kids out for me is MIA. Well, I'll find a cute coloring page and they can just color it, read the story and then play. It will be fine.  Pass out the bulletins, only to realize that the notes I carefully edited and organized were not there and instead blank pages stared at the church family.  Ok, God, this is getting ridiculous. If you have ever been in a small church or pastored one, you realize the domino effect of one person's absence, let alone the whole ministry team! Well, somehow we made it through the service and I drove home, only to remember that first thing Monday I had jury duty.  Perfect.

No matter how good our intentions or how perfectly we may have things lined up, life happens. In those times, we can crawl back under the covers and whine (not an option for me) or do what I tell my student teachers to do  -  PUNT!  Regardless of what happens, there is always a choice that we are called to make and it has to do with our attitudes. During this holiday season, things will be crazy and surely won't all go according to plan...that's just how it is. So here's a little acronym to help you choose contentment over crankiness, no matter what crashes your party: CHEER!
C - Choose to celebrate.  Life isn't about activities or things. Life is relationships. Plan to be with loved ones and friends as much as you can and just enjoy the time. You never know who may be missing from the table next year. If they're far away, try Skype or FB. Write a letter. Call them and talk. A friendly chat does wonders to bring you back to normal when things are crazy. And you just might be able to spread some cheer of your own, even if it's just offering a sanity -break.
H - Help someone else.  There are always others who are in need and finding someone else to focus your pent up energies on is a great way to defuse!  Do dishes, offer babysitting, wrap presents, run an errand...busy moms and hostesses always have a laundry list of a million chores. Find a way to help someone else - and even if you're that busy mom or hostess, take a little time and help someone else. Don't worry, your list will still be'll just have fresh energy & motivation to get back to it.
E - Eliminate perfectionism. I know women who work so hard at making everything perfect that they can't relax until the event is over. Believe me, your guests would rather see a little dust on the baseboards than to feel your stress. Take a breath, ignore the minor things that your family and friends won't notice anyway, and join in the party. If someone is really going to check the top of your refrigerator for dust, you need to liven up the activities!! (or hand them a dust rag :) Life is too short to worry that much about the incidentals!!
E - Energize your body, soul, and spirit.  In the midst of all the chaos, don't ignore YOURSELF.  Be sure to fuel up your body by eating correctly & getting enough sleep, your soul by de-stressing and enjoying others (see letter C) and your spirit by reading the Word  and praying. Nothing will put you in the duldroms faster than tiredness. You might finish all your appointed tasks, but you won't be able to have fun if you're dragging and depleted.
R - Remember what the important things are - celebrating Christ's birthday, giving to and for others, rekindling relationships, showing love in a variety of ways (yes, that includes cooking, cleaning, and baking!), and allowing God to refresh your passion to go forward with His work in the coming New Year!!
Merry Christmas, everyone!

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