Monday, November 12, 2012

God’s 12 step plan for conquering our enemies!

There is a great passage in 2 Chronicles 20 about Jehosephat's victory over 3 armies that arisen to fight against him. As I read it, I saw God's 12 step plan for achieving victory over the enemies in our lives. As you read the passage, look at these principles...
1. Recognize that you have enemies, & sometimes they seem impossibly strong. 1 Peter 5:8
2.Be honest with God about your feelings toward your circumstances. He knows anyway!
Psalm 62:8
3. Gather with others to stand with you! Ecclesiastes 4:12
4.Fast and pray, & refuse to allow negatives or worry to derail your faith. Praise, recall, admit, yield!
5. Wait on the Lord for His answer. Don't move out til you get it! Psalm 37:34
6.Listen to the answer & then Worship - He is in control and will not let you down.  Psalm 89: 13-20
7.Obey what He says, even if it doesn't make sense to you! Isaiah 55:8-9
8. Praise and encourage each other as you move forward. Col. 3:16
9. Watch God work on your behalf. Ephesians 3:20
10. Thank the Lord for the Victory. Be truly grateful. Romans 8:37
11.Tell everyone about it, especially your critics. Psalm 138:1-5
12.Rest in the victory and revive your spirit. The next battle will come along soon enough!  John 16:33
If we apply these principles to our daily struggles, we will be living as God requires of us & He will be able to intervene in our situations.

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