Saturday, July 9, 2011

What's the Rush??

       I was shocked and amazed to go looking for party supplies for "A Day At The Beach", my July Women's Bible Study, only to find that they've already begun replacing their summer patterns with Back To School. Hey, people, it's only July 8th!  Couldn't ya wait a bit before reminding us that the next school year is coming? 
       I don't know why we rush our seasons and days.  How many times do we forget to live today in order to "look forward" to our next event?  I have been guilty many times of counting the days until...While it's a natural desire to want to anticipate something wonderful that is coming, too often we ignore the blessings of today. As kids, we rushed to grow up. As teens, we rushed to be adults. As adults, we rushed to get established in careers or with marriage and family or both!  We rushed to make our mark on the world, only to realize that we've often sidetracked the ones that we were most anxious to build for! We have forgotten to take time for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our friends, for our God! Stresses and anxieties have pushed us to go faster, do more; never slow down, never stop. Studies have recently shown that few of us even allow ourselves the 2 week vacation we're owed.  Do we actually think the "world will end" if we're not there to be in charge?  Stop and smell the coffee burning!
       This is not the way God intended us to live. He didn't give us abundant life so we could rush through it with our heads down and eyes closed.  He wants us to experience the joy of living, even if we're doing the mundane tasks associated with home-making or a job.  He wants us to Live, rather than exist!
       Every day should start by thanking God for another chance to live for Him. Every day we should remind ourselves that it's a day that He made, so we should rejoice and be glad in it. Every day we should look for people to bless and ways to ease others' burdens. We should enjoy whatever each day holds and make the most of each one.
       A wise person once wrote, "It is not the number of our days that matters, but the quality of our lives!" Take a breath...look around...find a way to celebrate today, even if it's a small celebration! You will be glad you did!

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