Alright...those of you who immediately flashed back to the song title of a similar name, read on before condemning me as a leftover hippie. I am certainly not writing today to advocate communal living or multiple partners. However, I would like to get you to consider "free love".
Love is certainly a misunderstood and often flippant word. We love ice cream, the Chargers (or whoever), our pets, our families, and many others. In that sense, the languages which distinguish different kinds of love have an advantage. But in English, love not only covers a multitude of sins but a myriad of emotions and feelings.
What is love then? True Biblical love is not some gushy feeling that can come and go. It isn't performance-based and doesn't change or vary by others' responses. In 1 Corinthians 13 its attributes are described. You know them - patient, kind, never boastful or rude, not proud or badly behaved, never rejoices in wrong but loves all things righteous, believes, hopes...You get the idea. It is freely given and doesn't expect anything in return, so in that sense it's free. It is something that we all must strive toward but will rarely reach this side of heaven. Biblical love is not confined to these attributes, though, because true Biblical love is expressed through action. That's where today's title "Love the ones you're with" fits in. It's all well and good to spout mushy sentiments but acting out your love is a whole different thing, as any parent knows! Love in action means sacrificing time, energy, priorities, finances, and comfort to put the other person first. It means dropping what you're doing and rushing to a friend in need. It means giving sacrificially to help another over a rough patch. It means being there in the darkest hours of the night when a friend is in crisis. In essence, it just means being there in whatever capacity is needed whether that means taking a meal or giving a hug. Sure, we can love those who have gone on to heaven ahead of us and we can surely love those who are geographically far away. There are those whose hearts are knit with ours that will always have a special place and we take them with us wherever we are. But love in action requires that we Do something. It is the "works" part of our faith.
Jesus loved the ones He was with. He fed them, taught them, provided healing and wholeness for them. He walked with them when they were at their worst. He died for them (and us) without thought of receiving anything back. That's free love in action. In fact, He said that those who talk a big story but don't put "feet to their faith" will be lumped in with those He never knew! Scary! (If you don't believe me, check out the parable about the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25)
So go out & freely love the ones you're with - the ones God has put in your life, your workplace, your path. Reach out to them in comfort, help, friendship, & support. Show them you love them by being there for them in their worst times, hardest times, stretching times, angry times, whatever times they are in. Love them through it all and show it, not by your words, but by your actions. It will not only prove you are a true Christian (John 13:35) but will glorify Your Father who is in Heaven! (Matthew 5:16)
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