There's a heartwarming show on Sunday night called "Secret Millionaire". A person who has made his or her fortune leaves behind all identification and luxuries to go to the shabby part of town to live for a few days. The first incredible part is the willingness of the millionaire to leave everything and go "slumming". Although I'm sure there are safety measures put in place, they stay alone in the poorest neighborhoods where the crime rates are high and the people are desperate. The houses they stay in are barely adequate, sparsely furnished & in horrible condition. They are given a food allowance equal to what government assistance would be, and are shocked when they try to buy an adequate supply of groceries for their stay. I remember one guy exclaiming that his weekly grocery allotment was less than he would typically spend on a business lunch! It's a shock for them to realize how the "other half" live!
After settling in, the millionaire dresses unpretentiously and begins searching for organizations that are helping others within the community that are without adequate services. These end up being groups providing assistance to the elderly, the mentally or physically disabled, runaways & children who have been abused, or programs to keep kids out of gangs and off drugs. During the course of "volunteering", the extent of the community's need and the lack of resources becomes apparent, as do the loving hearts of those amazing people who are sacrificially giving of themselves and their personal funds. Consequently, the biggest concern of these "angels" is not for themselves but how to find the money to keep the organization afloat. As the shows conclude, the millionaires reveal their true identity and bless the unsuspecting recipients with large, and often life-changing, checks. The "gift" is met with gratitude, humility, & overwhelming relief - a respite from the constant fear of having to scrounge for resources or consider closing their doors. As final credits roll, the organizations reveal how they have used the funds to increase the effectiveness of their outreach! It is an amazing & heart-warming program!
As a Christian, I'm sure you can see the analogies present here. Jesus left His beautiful home and came "slumming" to earth. (Phil 2) He found us in a state where we were unable to help ourselves. (Ro. 3:23) He offered His limitless resources, and those of us who are willing to accept Him are saved & become recipients of His love, mercy, grace, & power. (John 1:12) As we receive all that He gives, we are then enabled to go out and give, sometimes sacrificially, to others who are in need. We often cry out as Peter & John, (Acts 3:6) "Silver & gold I don't have, but what I have I will give to you..." realizing that what we have to give is so much greater than temporal financial aid! We have God's unlimited resources & His gift of eternal life to offer.
Unlike the show, however, there are many who refuse the gift choosing instead to stay in their poverty. God allows for that choice, although it breaks His Father's heart! But the possibility of that rejection doesn't negate our responsibility to share. (Mk 16:15) And we don't have to live in "secret" but we are called instead to be lights in the darkness, living like shining stars. (Mt. 5:16)
So the questions are put before all of us. Will we go into all the world? Will we share what God has blessed us with? Will we leave behind our comforts and become His servants, taking up our cross daily & laying down our rights to live for ourselves?
I know my answers. Your answers are your choice, but remember that they will have eternal implications both to you and to those who would be touched by you! Don't be a Secret Millionaire...get out there and share!! Blessings!
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