I hear the phrase "What's up with that?" quite frequently when I visit my sons in California. When they say it, it means that they either can't believe it or find it totally ridiculous! As I was rereading the nativity story, that phrase seemed to pop up again and again!
There are lots of things in the Christmas story that might cause you to think "What was up with that?"
What's up with a redemptive plan would cause Jesus to leave Heaven to come to earth to be abused and then sacrificed? What's up with shepherds, rather than religious leaders, being the first to be told of the new king's birth & by angels, no less? What's up with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords being born in an obscure town, where there was not even a vacant room anywhere, & using a manger as His cradle? What's up with a mom and dad having to grab their child and escape to another country because the predominant ruler is so threatened over the possibility that he might be dethroned that he massacred hundreds of children to try to kill one? I could go on & on!! There are so many things about the nativity story that to our human way of thinking don't seem to be the best way to accomplish the plan, and yet God orchestrated every detail exactly as He desired in order to do it all exactly the way He chose to do it.
So the Christmas story truly does bring tidings of comfort & joy...God offers us:
Security - The God that planned the perfect redemptive story, down to the most minute detail, has also planned your life down to the moment! Nothing surprises Him so there's never a chance that He will have to revert to plan B. He ordained every minute of every day before you were born & He is faithful to complete what He started in you, if you let Him.
Peace- The love that God has for you is so amazing that not only has He made possible eternity with Him, but He also has provided everything we need in this life as well. We don't have to ever feel overwhelmed or under supplied because our resources come from an inexhaustible source - our Father God.
Freedom to be creative - God gave you gifts, talents, & traits that made you special to do the job that He has for you to do in just the way that He has designed you to do it! You don't have to look for others' affirmation or approval. You are also freed from others' judgments, criticism, & negativity. If you are doing what He has called you to do, and are being faithful to follow His lead, then you can live up to your potential with excellence & without fear!
Hope - Nothing can stop you if you're in His will. No lack, no insecurities, no trials, no problems,... nothing is going to be too difficult, for He makes the way and nothing or no one can undo what He ordains. He will never leave or forsake you and He will always guide you in your walk with Him. No matter what happens, you are safe and secure in His loving care!
So I guess the only question to really ask yourself is whether you're freely accepting all that He has given for you and all that He's offering. If you're not, "What's up with that?"
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