Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blessed to brother's gentle reminder

      My brother was in the grocery store the other day and ended up behind an elderly woman who was frustrated and rattled because she didn't have enough money for her strawberries but couldn't seem to figure out what to do.  The cashier was trying to encourage her to put something back, but the little lady couldn't seem to process what she was saying. At this point, instead of getting impatient and angry, Jim thought of our mom and how he would want the people around her to react if she were in that situation. He paid the necessary amount for her, and sent her on her way, no doubt feeling amazed and grateful. His comment was, "It was only a small amount, like $2, so it was no big deal. There is so much that we can do right here close to home.....most of us are blessed beyond our dreams.....let's really try to use it for something other than the Family Trust!"  
      It was such a sweet reminder and he's so right. Even those of us who "struggle" financially are really incredibly blessed. There are so many people out there who not only need a helping hand here and there but need the pick me up that comes from having someone care about you.  I'm sure that little lady was blown away, and told all her little lady friends about the wonderful thing that happened. So not only did she get a blessing, but everyone she told also got to experience the joy of an unexpected gift from the heart of a kind stranger.
      A movie a few years ago highlighted this very thing and became the American catch phrase "Pay It Forward". Liberty insurance has latched on to it as well with their campaign of "Do the right thing", which shows people helping strangers in a variety of ways. While these are great reminders, the true initiator of this way of life is God. Both New and Old Testaments tell us that we are blessed to be a blessing (Psalm 21: 6) and encourages us to do unto others as we would have them do unto us, commonly known as the Golden rule (Matthew 7:12). Jesus even says that to do this is the fulfillment of the Law...loving your neighbor as yourself!
      It's a wonderful thing to be able to bless someone else, even in the seemingly most insignificant way, and reinforces God's declaration that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). We are showing His love when we carry others' burdens, help the weak, and are mindful of those around us. In fact, Jesus divided the sheep from the goats (those entering His kingdom and those not) by their acts of mercy: visiting prisoners, feeding the hungry, tending to the sick,..(Matthew 25). He also taught that true religion is shown by taking care of widows and orphans (James 1:27).
      Imagine living in a world where helping others was the rule, rather than the exception! How amazing it would be in our self-centered, independent society if we truly lived with others as our focus & generosity as our goal. What if each of us just did one small "random act of kindness" each day? The whole character of our society would eventually be changed! And this monumental shift can start with just one person, You or me, living intentionally with a heart to bless others!
      So as you go throughout your week, slow down and look around. Find those people who God has placed in your path that just need a little kindness. It doesn't take much and who knows... you may be the deciding factor in someone's critical choice, or you may just add a little sunshine to someone's day. Either way, you will be blessed by being a blessing and you will for sure be adding to your own treasure in heaven!
      Have an amazing day!

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