Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Thought-closet Makeover?

I just finished this great Bible Study by Jennifer Rothschild. It's all about having a "thought closet" makeover.  Do you know that so much of what you say and how you act is determined by the thoughts that you allow in your mind?   We have all believed so many lies about ourselves, our God, our families and friends...We have filled our closet with the dirty garments of
past failures, the ill-fitting outfits of others' expectations, and the constrictive suits of our own self-judgements.  We hoard bins of "what ifs", dark secrets, accepted lies, and debilitating insecurities. We daily wear these stained, outdated and poorly fitting clothes, never realizing that God has a better wardrobe for us.  His truth wants to shed light into our closets so that we replace our dirty rags for His thoughts - His love, acceptance, grace, purposes, and truth!  When we accepted His gift of Salvation, we became new creations!  When we cling to our old labels and clothe ourselves in our former wardrobes, we demean what He did for us and devalue His workmanship.  Eph. 2:10 says He created us specially to do the good works He planned for us! You are not bound by your past, your failures, your lack, your insecurities, or anything else. You are a Princess, loved by your King with a love that never fails or ends.  You have a new wardrobe in your closet that He designed just for you - it's full of potential, power, and beauty.  Throw away the old stuff - do spring cleaning in a big way - and get out there in your new outfits.  You are meant to shine!! 
(Thanks, Jennifer!  Your study touched my life in a big way!)

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