Monday, April 25, 2011

New Beginnings

My Aunt Almeda loves spring.  She loves how it is a renewing of life and a beautiful rebirthing of nature.  She also loves the special significance of Easter - how it is the reminder of all that we Christians hold so close to our hearts. Jesus came, lived, died, and lived again so that we could do the same!  Death isn't our final chapter, but a transition into a life more amazing and eternal!
Spring is also a favorite of mine.  Oregon spring is a constant reminder that God is in the renewal business.  The trees that looked so dead burst forth with leaves and flowers. Dirt patches along fences and roads spring to life with daffodils and other "treasures" that have hidden themselves from the snow and ice! It's a beautiful time of year. God loves to illustrate His love and care for us by providing us with these natural examples. He takes His children, who have been trampled under foot by others or have been hiding from the harsh realities of life, and gives them strength to bloom in their world. He takes what looked dead and causes new life to shine.  He takes brokenness and turns it into wholeness. He takes timidity and fear, and replaces it with boldness and courage. He allows seasons of rest and inactivity to be replaced with new direction and new energy, which then results in growth and life-sustaining fruit that others can partake of!
New a small child, Easter meant new shoes, a beautiful new dress, gloves, and even a cute hat.  As an adult, Easter means once more replacing our filthy rags stained with sin and sadness with beautiful new garments of freedom, peace, and joy! Today can be your new beginning.  No matter where you are or where you've come from, allow the Son to renew and refresh your life.  You can make today the start of something wonderful!   

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