My best friend sent me a CD of teachings by Beth Moore and as I was listening to it, I was struck by the simple yet awesome message of the phrase "I love you too, Lord."
We often sing praise to the Lord and so easily the words "I love you" come out of our mouths and yet what do we mean by it. I love my husband...I love chocolate...I love flowers...I love the Lord. The word "love" can flow through our conversations and never really impact our hearts or lives.
Do we truly grasp the fact that the only reason we can even love God is because He loved us first? Romans 5:8 says it so clearly - "This is the love God showed toward us that while we were still sinners Christ died for us." Without His wooing, His unselfish and complete sacrifice, there would be no way for us to love Him. We were sheep that didn't even realize we were lost until trouble came! He loved us, sought us, drew us to Him, made us whole and complete, and honored us by adopting us into His family. (John 1:12) Our sin and selfish choices led us to a different shepherd, one who only wanted to enslave us, but God never forgot us. (John 10:10) He created us and yet had to redeem us, which He willingly did. And there is another amazing facet to consider - He could not love us more than He does! His love remains true, pure, & all-encompassing whether we are struggling in sin or trying our best to walk worthy. He doesn't love us more or less based on our performance, Thank you, Lord...In fact there is only one way He could love us less - and that is if He became less than He is! God IS love. God doesn't just love...He IS love. So any change in His love would be a change in who He is - Impossible! 1 John 4:7 &8 So that leads me back to the awe-inspiring revelation that God loves me with an incomprehensible, amazing, faithful, & unchanging love. God's love begins and ends with Him. (1 John 4:19!) As He continually whispers His love for me & shows me His love in a million ways, I can only respond back to Him, "I love you too, Lord"!!
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