I don't give ANY credibility to all of this "end-of-days - 5/21st stuff", but it has caused me to do a little reflecting. While God tells us that no man will know the day or the hour of Jesus' return, He also tells us that each of us has a certain number of days. Today, or any other day, could be my last day down here on earth. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow. That's not a morbid thought for me - I'm completely comfortable with the fact that, as the old song says, "This world is not my home; I'm just passing through." And I'm looking forward to being with my Lord & reuniting with so many loved ones that are already there with Him!
With that all in mind, I have come up with several questions that I need to ask myself on a daily basis in order to keep my priorities in line with what's really important! Here they are:
1) Am I living each day with the goal of fulfilling God's call for me? Am I doing what He has ordained for me to do in the way He wants it done? (Eph. 2:10)
2) Am I living in such a way that His light in my life is a beacon of hope for those who are lost, and a source of praise to God for those who are watching me? (Matt. 5:16)
3) Do the people around me know that I am a Christian and that I am here on earth to be a servant to Him and to them? (Gal. 5:13)
4) What can I do today to show those people that I love just how much they mean to me? Who do I need to connect with to encourage, appreciate, or just be there for? (Eph. 5:1-2)
5) How can I live today, every moment, choosing to be grateful rather than demanding, thankful rather than complaining, & humble rather than proud? (Col. 3:12-13)
If I truthfully seek to live with these questions in mind each day can be a satisfying & wonderful day - and if it is my last one, I pray that I will hear "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a little, so now you will be given much. Come share in the Master's happiness!" (Mt. 25:23)
"Lord, help me to realize that every day is a precious gift to be used in Your Service. Help me to guard my words so that they are edifying and a blessing rather than critical or negative. Help me to see interruptions as divine appointments and obstacles as redirection. Help me to make choices that please You and direct each step I take so that I am constantly in the place and position where You can best use me. Don't let me waste even one moment on past regrets, unforgiveness, or failure. Let me choose to praise You and enjoy this new day that You have made, living as if it were my last one!! Thank you!"
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