Yesterday I was sitting up on the bluff, enjoying the warm sunshine as I watched the beautiful ocean waves. There were just a few joggers on the beach and an occasional sailboat drifting by, but mostly it was just God, His amazing creation, and me! As I was sitting there, I was struck again by how nature reflects God's personality. Psalm 19:1 says "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork." The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 1:20-21 that looking at God's creation should be enough by itself to show man that there is a loving, all-powerful God, even if no words are spoken!
Consider the waves...Although man has tried in many ways to manage and direct them, they are unstoppable and constant. They go where they want and are unhindered by man's efforts to control them. God's plans are unstoppable as well. We may try to manipulate, subvert, or alter His plans but we never succeed. His ways have been established from the beginning and nothing can stop or change what He intends.
The tide is steady and consistent. It comes and goes without the slightest inconsistency. God's faithfulness is like that. It doesn't matter what storms come or what the times or seasons bring. God remains loving, caring, & comforting. He never gives in or gives up on us but continues to show His mercy and grace regardless of whether we accept it or not. We can't do anything that makes Him love us less - His agape love is forever, completely independent of our response.
The beauty of nature shows the diversity of God's creation. His world is not black and white, or shades of gray! He painted the land, sea, sky, and all of their inhabitants in a million shades and colors. He added sounds to bring peace, joy, and comfort. He designed an infinite number of patterns, shapes and sizes to show variety and give us reminders of His creativity. He is so multi-dimensional that we should never try to "put Him in a box" of our limited thinking. I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 2:9..."Eye has not seen and ear has not heard nor has it entered into the heart of man all that God has prepared for those who love Him!" We can't even imagine the depths of God's love, the scope of His creativity, the wonder of His plan. It's totally beyond our ability to comprehend!
God's creation clearly shows His character. Whatever you have on the list to do today, take a few minutes to ponder the beauty, design, and complexity of the world around you. Thank God that He has given thought to you, your life, your situation, and that He has a limitless number of creative ways to help you in and through your daily walk. Thank Him for His faithfulness, generosity, care, and love. Respond to Him by living your best life today, and showing forth His glory through all that you do! (Matt. 5:16)
Have a wonderful, blessed day!
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