Friday, January 20, 2012

Reminders from a Ranger

One of our Bible college students is a former Army Ranger. When it was his turn to present a chapel devotional, he used the Army Ranger's Survival acronym to teach an amazingly applicable lesson.  I have been thinking about it for the past couple of weeks and decided to share it with a few Biblical insights that have been stirring in my spirit!
        (the Army's lesson)                   (Biblical application)
S  - size up your situation; Take a realistic assessment of the positives and negatives and then make a plan, but always remember God's ability to intervene in your situation! Strengthen your resolve on God's Word!
U  - undue haste makes waste; Be still and know who your God is; Understand His desire to guide you and seek His direction before rushing in!
R  - remember where you are; The old song says "This world is not my home, I'm just passing through" and it's right! You're a citizen of heaven, a child of the King. All that we're dealing with is temporal. Even the worst of situations will eventually pass!  Be strong!
V - vanquish fear and panic ; Our enemy's greatest weapon is fear because it clouds our judgment and makes us act impulsively. When tempted to give in to it, find others to stand strong with you and focus on God's promises. Fight back using the Word!
I   - improvise;  Look for new opportunities, new applications, new ways to share your passions - be creative and take a calculated risk! (refer back to the lesson of the U) What has God given you that the others in the Body of Christ need? Invest in God's family, in order to show your increased love for God!!
V - value living; Each day is a gift that we have to use for God and the fulfillment of His plan - don't be selfish. It's not just about you! God's mercy and grace were given so that you might love and serve Him...
A - act like the natives; Seek out those who have walked the path ahead of you and learn from their experiences. The Bible says there's nothing new under the sun so whatever you're facing many others have also. Find someone to confide in and help you along the way! And be confident in God's promise of Isaiah 42:2-4 that there's nothing that can overwhelm you if you are in God's care!
L - learn the basics; There is no substitute for preparation! Study of God's Word, prayer, fellowship, worship - these are still the essentials; without them you're in danger no matter where you are!

Thank you, Kevin, for this amazing devotional!  It really stuck with me and I know it will help others as well!!

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