It was rainy and miserable outside yesterday so I decided to stay inside and write. My first thought was to work on my women's study for January - I know, way ahead of myself! Since I woke up with a working title, I decided to search previous studies to see if I had used something similar the previous year, and there it was. It was already written in powerpoint form, basic skeletal outline. I remembered that last year's January meeting had to be cancelled due to illness and I had never finished the study. In just a short time, I was able to complete it, add the appropriate verses, and even put together the fill-in sheet that I use with the ladies while I'm teaching it. The whole thing came together in a flash and I really enjoyed doing it.
I guess that's how it is with God's promptings. If we follow through with what He wants us to do, it is satisfying and energizing. Sometimes it takes hard work, long hours, research, or just uninterrupted focus, but the end result is worth the trouble. God always gives us what we need to do the job He has designed for us.
So why do we drag our feet and procrastinate? The biggest answers are probably time and insecurity. We are so rushed and hassled all the time, with 100 things to do in the amount of time to do only 10. We have become experts at juggling - work, family, obligations, friends, church,...and with so many "balls in the air" we can't easily stop to focus on just one.
The other big brick wall is our own insecurity. We doubt our giftings and always assume that someone has either already done what we're thinking of doing and did it better or that it is a silly idea to pursue. We may have even tried to do it once before and failed so we slammed the door and locked it tight! We defeat ourselves before we even begin!
So I want to end this year and begin the next year with a challenge:
Step 1 is to pray, fast, get counsel, or do all 3 in order to find out what it is exactly that God wants you to do. Don't be afraid to risk doing something completely new but be realistic about your abilities. If you are tone-deaf, without a miracle of God you probably aren't being called to sing on a worship team, but you may have talent to play an instrument! Think creatively! What are your passions? What do you Love? Don't box yourself in with your current limitations. Life without challenge is mundane and monotonous!
Step 2 is to evaluate what you need to do to get busy doing it. Do you need to take a class, read a book, contact an expert, practice...If God has put it in your heart, then you already have the desire to do it but you may need to sharpen your skills in order to be efficient and successful.
Step 3 is to find an outlet to use your gift. I love writing Bible studies and have the perfect outlet to present them, since I'm a pastor's wife and in charge of our women's ministry. Look around and see where your gifts and talents can be used. A lady with a love for flowers can provide arrangements for the sanctuary. A woman who loves to teach children should jump in to Sunday School. A person who loves to bake or cook can provide meals or treats for a variety of ministries. Singers and musicians are always needed on worship teams. A woman with an ability to listen and comfort can make arrangements to meet those who are struggling in order to let them vent, while giving them encouragement and hope. It doesn't have to be "platform worthy" in order to be ministry. Find a slot and plug in!
Step 4 is to continue to do it. Practice doesn't insure perfection but it aids in proficiency and time efficiency! Don't give up if it's hard at first. Don't listen to discouraging voices. Don't be too judgmental about your initial attempts or even early failures. Everyone started at square one, and some of us started there more than once! Find at least one person who will give you honest feedback and support your efforts. Then just give it time, faithfulness and your best effort, and soon others will benefit from your passion.
Take my challenge! What is it that God has put on your heart to do? Will you offer it back to Him as an act of sacrifice and obedience? I know I am on course to do just that! God bless us in 2012 with His grace and the desire (and the persistence) to do His will! (Phil. 2:13)
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