Christmas is time for singing, celebrating, and enjoying the excitement. It is a time of chaotic shopping, messy but memorable gatherings, and frantic festivities. While it seems to be so full of activity that there is barely time to breathe, there are some sweet times tucked in between that revive, refresh, and renew us! Those are the "stop and smell the Christmas tree" moments where for a few short minutes we catch our breath, grab a cup of hot chocolate, and sit. While those times are rare in this rushed and racing season, they are so necessary, not only for sanity's sake but for your spiritual, mental and emotional health!
The shepherds in the hills of Bethlehem had just received an angelic pronouncement of the greatest event ever to occur - the birth of the One who would save the world! They immediately left their flocks and ran into town to see this babe, not to bring gifts or sing "The Hallelujah Chorus", but just to see Him. While the Bible doesn't tell us what they did, I can imagine that they did what we all do in the presence of new babies - they just stood and stared at this tiny bundle and his parents. The excited exclamations and "sharing of the good tidings" came afterwards. First it was a time to just stop & soak it all in!
The Magi did the same thing. After traveling for a long time and distance, the Bible records that they arrived at the house where the young child was and once in His presence they fell on their knees and worshipped Him. While I'm sure their presence in town caused quite a stir, when they saw Jesus, they reacted by showing Him honor and bowing down in humility. They presented their gifts and then started their journey home. It was enough for them that they saw Him...their hearts were full!
And Mary's reaction to all this - the Bible says she kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. I love that! I am a heart person - I ponder many times when I could react, but it's in the stillness of my heart that the sweetness of life becomes the sentimental memories that are with me long after the "event" is over!
There is comfort found in quietness. While I enjoy the gatherings, activities, and fellowship, I relish those calm, peace-filled moments in the evenings, coffee in hand, where the music is soft, the fire is the only light, and the house is still. Those times are spent reflecting on loved ones now gone, Christmas gatherings of years past, hopes for years to come, and memorable moments with family and friends.They are like a great big hug from God, and remind me of His many blessings! They fill my heart with love and peace as I sit in silent reflection.The Bible says "Be still and know that I am God." It's in the stillness that we go from head knowledge to heart adoration. Our mental assent becomes life-changing and our experiences with God get rooted down deep in our spirits. It's in the reflecting and remembering that God's miracles and constant attention become more than events - they become part of who we are. I'm sure that's why so many times in the Old Testament God told His people to build altars and erect memorials. Those things nurture us and cause our "like" to turn to love. They shelter us in hard times, hold us in sad times, and rejoice with us in our celebrations! They remind us of what the season is really about! They are the things we must pass on to our children and grandchildren - the love, caring, and faithfulness of God now "paid forward" to them!
So in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the season, take time to sit in stillness. Worship God for who He is, not just what He does, & reflect on His goodness - both past memories and present blessings! You will feel a sweet freshness flow through your heart that remains long after the trappings of the season are put away for next year!
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