Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's Not What We Say...

Today would have been my Uncle Bob's 88th birthday. Reading the posts from his family got my mind stirred up about several things, but the one verse that jumped out at me was "Think on these things". The Srack family, of which my mother and Uncle Bob were both members, did not waste words. Although you usually knew exactly what they thought, they didn't ramble on and on about things once you knew how they felt about the subject, whatever that subject was.  They were thinkers and doers.  They proved their love by demonstrating it in a multitude of ways.
The core values that guided their thinking and doing were those things which Christ taught that all Christians should reflect in our lives. Loyalty is the first thing that comes to mind. It was an unspeakable gift to know that no matter what mistakes I made or how badly I failed, there was never anything I could ever do that would cause them to "throw me away" or disown me. I had the safety net of love that always held strong no matter the storm. I could disappoint them or even make them mad, but their love always rose up to pour grace over the situation and Me! And that same loyalty extended to friends, family members, the church, & their beliefs. I never saw even a momentary turning away, even in some fairly hurtful situations. Their loyalty wasn't affected by the other party's reaction or responses because it was just part of who they were!
Integrity was also an unquestioned guiding factor in every decision. "It's the right thing to do" was not just something they said, but how they lived. It amazes me that the world makes a big deal out of someone who returns lost money in order to show his children a good example. The fact that a right decision is newsworthy just shows how easily we've adopted compromise. There was never "gray thinking" in my heritage- it was right or it was wrong. In fact, long before it became a slogan Grandma Srack and I were talking about a decision I needed to make and she responded "Well, what would Jesus do?"  It didn't matter if no one would find out, or if it was the hard road. If it was right, it was right. End of discussion! No ifs, ands, or buts!
Faithfulness is the third value that was at the top of the scale. Faithfulness was demonstrated in providing, in church volunteering and serving, and in giving. If you took a job, you finished it. If you struggled, you shook it off and kept putting one foot in front of the other until you overcame. If things were hard, you worked harder. No whining, no complaining, no rationalizing, no blaming anyone else...just faithful follow through no matter the obstacle or circumstance. My husband often laughs and says I'm one of the most stubborn people he's ever met...and he's probably right. Once we "Sracks" make a decision, it's made and few interventions can sway us!  I see that as a positive!! I judge, I weigh, I decide, I stand! It's that "stubbornness" that has helped me through many of life's battles & storms, so that's my way and I'm sticking to it! In fact, I have a quote in my Bible that says "Faithfulness is sticking to the job after the shine wears off". That about sums it up!
While there are many other core values that I could include, the ones I've just mentioned would be my top 3. And if you're wondering why I didn't include LOVE, look again - because loyalty, faithfulness, and integrity are building blocks that make love more than just a word. Unless you live right and act right, love is no more than a "clanging cymbal"!  If you don't believe me, check out I Corinthians 13!
God bless you!

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